Nalanda Gedige Srilanka Beauty (Story)

Hello, In today's article, we have brought a unique place in Sri Lanka that many Sri Lanka people believe in have supernatural powers.
Nalanda Gedige's place in Sri Lanka,
Which is known as the Central Board of the Earth, is located in the Matale District. You may have heard a few things about this place. According to ancient usage, are many interesting stories about this place, which have been built by the two sons of King Rawana.
However, according to ancient dialects, Nalanda Gedige is one of the unique places in Sri Lanka that dealt with universal energy in the past. If you plan to go on a picnic in Matale, be sure to check out this place called Nalanda Gedige.
He dealt with the universe at this place in the past and dealt with various beings. However, it is reported that this exact location has been removed from the Earth's Central Board and reassembled at another location. As a result, it appears that some of the contents have been destroyed. Nalanda Gedige was built in the Tamil architecture (Pallava style) in The 8th and 10th centuries and believed others to have been used by Buddhists.
Somehow people acknowledge that this place has a special power. For the same reason, a large number of foreigners visit this place. If you can visit this place, you will add a lot more details about this.